The Magic of "More": Enhancing UX/UI

Uncover the "7 Mores" in UX/UI design to enhance user engagement and elevate your digital product's success.



When a digital product doesn't live up to expectations, the quest for answers begins. The design is appealing, the functionalities are in place, so why aren't users engaging? Why aren't conversion rates soaring? What's missing? Before you invest in costly testing, consider viewing your website or app through the lens of the "7 Mores". This method is magical in its ability to uncover hidden shortcomings.

The Concept of "More"

Picture a group of dinner guests, listlessly pushing their food around on their plates. What's missing? Should the food be tastier? The host more welcoming? The guests hungrier? The atmosphere more relaxed? Sometimes, things don't work simply because there isn't enough of them. The guests aren't eating because the food lacks salt. The plant isn't growing due to insufficient sunlight. The battery isn't functioning because it needs charging. By evaluating your digital product with the "7 Mores", you can quickly identify what it's lacking.

More Attention

The first "more" is about the users' attention. Is it being directed appropriately? Is it dissipating before reaching the Call to Action (CTA)? User attention can be lost due to various factors such as ads, insignificant design elements, premature or intrusive popups, lengthy texts and forms, overwhelming content, or lack of visual guides. Sometimes, addressing just one of these issues can significantly enhance the user experience and make it easier for users to achieve their goals.

More Value

Ensure your product appears valuable and necessary to the user, not just to you. It should also present your company in the best possible light. Trust in your company will automatically extend to your product, adding more value to it. This means your offer should be presented impressively, the product's advantages should be immediately visible, and users should easily understand how to use the product. The company and product should inspire confidence, and there should be no hidden costs. The payment options should be simple and transparent.

More Motivation

Users disengage when they lack motivation to stay and perform the required action. Attractive triggers are not enough. A trigger is merely a call to action. Real motivation is what makes the user want to perform that action. There are three stages of motivation: curiosity, need, and desire. More motivation means more curiosity, more need, and more desire. The larger and more informative your digital product, the more affirmative triggers it requires.

More Involvement

Many websites and apps are designed for passive consumption, which can lead to low conversion rates. The more you can encourage user activity, the more likely you are to see user loyalty. Involvement is not just about emotions, microinteractions, gamification, and form filling. It's about maintaining contact with the user. Points of contact need to be deliberately generated; you can't simply expect someone to be excited by an image or entertained by a game.

More Usefulness

Your product is useful, and you've done your best to make users see it. But have you used every opportunity to make it more helpful? A website or app can only triumph over the competition if it offers something useful besides its core content. It could be a free video lesson, a consultation, a short entertaining game, useful information, a nice calendar, and so on.

More Freshness

A digital product can become stale, and not just due to outdated design. Any information that's no longer relevant can kill freshness. It's important to keep your data fresh. This means current content and trendy design. Regularly creating useful and user-relevant content generates three times as many leads as search engine ads and banners.

More Ease

When an app or a website is too hard to use, people look for alternatives that will help them solve their problems faster and easier. The main factors affecting ease of use are time, money, cognitive load, physical load, and behavioral patterns. Use every opportunity to make things as easy as possible.


By giving your users MORE: more care and attention, more comfort and usefulness, you will receive a lot more in return. The "7 Mores" provide a comprehensive approach to enhancing UX/UI, leading to improved user engagement and higher conversion rates.


What are the "7 Mores" in UX/UI design?
The "7 Mores" are attention, value, motivation, involvement, usefulness, freshness, and ease. They provide a comprehensive approach to enhancing UX/UI.

How can the "7 Mores" improve user engagement?
By addressing these seven areas, you can direct user attention, provide value, motivate users, involve them in the process, offer usefulness, maintain freshness, and ensure ease of use, all of which contribute to improved user engagement.

What does "more motivation" mean in UX/UI design?
More motivation means increasing the user's curiosity, need, and desire to engage with your digital product. This can be achieved through more informative content and affirmative triggers.

How can "more freshness" be maintained in a digital product?
Freshness can be maintained by regularly updating content and keeping the design trendy. This keeps the product relevant and engaging for users.

What does "more ease" imply in UX/UI design?
More ease implies making the digital product as easy to use as possible. This can be influenced by factors such as time, money, cognitive load, physical load, and behavioral patterns.

